IntroductionThe History of the 103rd Regiment
of the 26th Division of the U.S. Army
during World War I
Table of Contents
N am 1: Rank (`0n1p1my Data of Deal/1 Cause: Home A ddrcss Dubugue, Charles . . . Pvt. [ June 16, ’18 Killed by shell Fire Not known Dawley, John. . . . Pvt. L Oct. 26, ’18 Died from disease Not known Donn, lilentlon li`. . . Pvt. li July 18, ’18 Killed by rifle tire Skowhegan, l\le. Donn, Jessie A .... . Pvt. 15 Nov. tt, ’18 Died from wounds Not known Downing, (`harles . . . Pvt. IC .Iuly 18, ’18 Killed by shell tire Roeltester, N. H. Duinoud, Alphonse . . Pvt. (Q July 18, ’18 Killed by shell fire Soinerswortli, K. ll. Dunlap, l`lnrenee S. . . (`pl. IC June Qt}, ’18 Killed by shell fire Slcoxvliegam, l\le. l)esilets, Leo A. . . . . (`pl. (2 July 18, `18 Killed by )l.(i. fire Keene, N. Il. Donnelly, 1{ielmrtl P. . Pvt. l\l July 20, ’18 Killed by l\tl.(}. bullet Not known l)e<·ker, 1-larry (1 ..... l"vt. l\I Oet. Ill, ’18 Killed by shell lirc Oukltuid, Me. Depianti, Donienie. . . Pvt. l·` Ort. 2U, ’18 Killed by shell Fire Rielnnond. (`ul. Dilboy, (teorgre . . . . P.l·`.(`. ll July 18, ’18 Killed by M1}. bullet Net known Dow, Leroy lt]. . . . . Cpl. l·‘ Sept. 13%, ’18 Died from wounds Center l·1arbm·, N. Il. Dean, l§ert W .... . Pvt. l·' July 18, ’18 Killed by shell Ln (hmige, Me. Dowd, Harold l·' ..,. Sgt. l·` July 2-4, ’18 Killed by shell {ire Maneliester. N. ll. Decker, Llewellyn R. . . Meeh. (Q July 18, ’18 Killed by shell hre Boynton-, Me. Danforth, George . . . 1’.l*'.(l. I) July 15, ’18 Died from wounds Not known Dow, Norman N. . . . P.l<`.(‘. l\1.(i. May 10, ’18 Killed by shell fire Bangor, Me. Danlort I1, Henry L .... Pvt. M.(+. Mny lt), ’18 Killed by shell tire Danville, \`t. Defosse, Prank lt]. .... Pvt. l\ July Qt), ’18 Killed by‘shell tire Maneliester, K. H. l)uli’ns, Tony ...... Pvt. .-\ Sept. 26, ’18 Killed by shell tire Not known Dibble, \\`illiiun . . . Pvt. D July 2t), '18 Killed by l\l.G. bullet Net, known `Dewitt, Arvard \\'. . . . Cpl. G Nov. lt), ’18 Killed by rille bullet Brewer, Me. Disrrppil, Paul .... Pvt. G linknown Wounded by l\t1.G. bill- 227 Host 46th Street, let, died in hospital New York (Tity, N. Y. I·]v:ins, Jtnnes H. .... Pvt. E July 18, ’18 Killed by rifle tire Everett, Mess. ltlvsms, (Shestor A. . . . Cpl. l<' Nov. 5, *18 Killed by shell fire Munroe, Me. ltlvnns, Charles l·l. . . 2nd Lieut. K July 20, ’18 Killed by shell {ire l\’[m·l>lel1ead, Mass. ljadie, Harold l·`. . . . 2nd Lieut. C Mareli 1, ’18 Killed by shell [ire Tilton, N. H. Ellis, Ivun F]. . . . . . P.l*`.U. li July 13, ’18 Killed by shell lire Everett, Mess. ltllliott, John . . . . Pvt. K Nov. 10, ’18 Killed in nttinzk New lledford, Me. Freehette, Fred ..... Pvt. L Oct. 11, ’ 18 Died from disease Not known lt`oy, Absolom ...., Pvt. li Dee. 14, ’18 Died from disense Not known lt`itzmorris, Allen J .... Cpl. Ii July 18, '18 Killed by shell fire Slzoxvliegon, Me. 1*`assnacht, Harvey W. . . Pvt. li July 17, '18 Died from wounds Fairmont, Neb. I·`nnelli, Angelo ..... Pvt. l·l July 18, ’18 Killed by rifle fire 35 Hole Street, Detroit., Mivh. l*`osdi<:k, Harry .\. .... Pvt. Nl July 20. ’18 Killed by ride bullet. Dighton, Kans. l·`reein:in, Fred S ..... Cpl. Z\l July 20, ’18 Killed by KLG. bullet Not known Footer, John R. . . . . Pvt. M Sept. 2-1, ’l8 Killed by shell fire 445 lissig Street, Lynn, Mass. l<`arley, ltlnrle . . . . . P.l*`.(T. l Sept. 21, ’18 Killed by shell {ire Naslnui., N. ll. l·`onlason, \\'illi;un A., .`.(`. ALC. Ynknoun Died from wounds, in . hospital l7`rnuklin, N. ll. lfergusen, Jaynes H. . . Pvt. l\l Muy Iii, ’18 Died from disease Not known l·`oreaith, James M. . (`pl. C Sept. 27,’18 Died from wounds Nashua, N. ll. l·`m*ley, Irving J. . . Pvt. C Sept. 14, ’I8 Died from wounds Ceneerd, N. ll. 1'ischer, llerznnu. . . . Pvt. lt` Sept. 12, ’]8 Killed by l\tl.(t. bullet Hardy, Neb. Foote, Charles . . . . Pvt. K April 19, ’]8 Killed by shell fire Farmington, Me. l·'eltl1ani, John ll. . . . 2nd Lieut. K July 18, ’18 Killed by shell fire Newport, lt. l. (iuztrino, Tony ..... Pvt;. M Oct. 23, ’ 18 Killed by shell tire Not. known Grover, George O. .... Cpl. ll July 19, ’18 Killed by shell fire Fairfield, l\1e. Goodell, Howard . . . Pvt. L Nov. 3, '18 Killed by shell tire Oakland, Me. Gordon, Grant N. . . . . P.F.C. (1 July 18, ’]8 Killed by MG. bullet Keene, N. ll. N<1m¢· Rank Cmnpmzy Dalw nf Deal/4 Camo 1107110 Address Guyer, r\rtl.uLr G. . . . Pvt. E .Iuly 18, '18 Killed by rille lire 511 ltoek Creek Church Rd., Washington, I'). C. Glover, Joseph A. . . . 2nd Lieut. (T .Iuly 20, ’1S Killed by M.(l. bullet. New Britain, Conn. Goble, '1`heodore . . . Sgt. (‘ July 2C, ’1S Killed by shell tire 10 I·`:1nueil Hall Square, Boston, Mass. Greaves, Perley It`. . . . Pvt. (I July 20, IIS Killed by M.(}. fire Not known Gravelle, Clement \\`. . . Pvt. I) May 10, ’IS Died from gas Nashua, N. H. (loodwin, Alfred . . Pvt. I) May 10, ’1S Died from gas Not. known Gagnon, Rene J. ...,. Pvt. D May IU, ’IS Died from gas Not known Glidden, .·\Ibert F. . . .· (`pl. F Sept. I2, 'IN Killed by shell fire IYilmaolie, Me. Gould, Daniel . . . . . (`pl. K May I3, ’lN I)ied from wound¤ New \'ineyard, Me. (Iuyette, Joseph N. . Pvt. ld June I5, ’IS Killed by shell Iire Not known (leagan, Daniel M. . . Pvt. G July 23, ’18 Killed by 1\I.(t. bullet Brewer, Me. Garvin, Michael. . . Pvt. G Nov. 10, ’1N Killed by shell llre (TIiieag;o, Ill. Hodgdon, \Vinslow. . { Pvt. M June 17, ’1S Killed by shell [ire (‘onway, X. II. l·Ioerner, Jacob J ..... Pvt. I Oet. 10, ’1S Died from disetwe Xml known l·lnrrington, l·`rorik .... Pvt. July 1-1, ’IX Killed from shell Iire Not known Hyman, 1-IuhertA. . . . Pvt. B July 20, 'IS Killed by M.(l. bullet. Xot known Holland, Frederick F. . . P.I·`.C. IS Dee. 10, ’I8 Died from disease Maneliester, X. H. Herriek, Nathan .... 1’.F.C. I`) July 20, ’1S Killed from shell fire Meehanic Falls, Me. Hutchinson, Harold lt`. . . Pvt. F Sept. 12, ’1X Killed by I\I.(l. tire Buxton, Me. Hoskins, Louis ..... Pvt. F Nov. 5, ’IS Killed by shell fire Milo, Me. Harriman, Ilarry .-\. . . . Pvt. H July IR, ’IS Killed by riHe bullet Not known Hunt, Hugh I. ..... Pvt. Hdqs. Mareh 2, ’lN Killed from shell fire Not known Henry, Donulsl F. .... Pvt. Hdqs. July 25, ’1S Killed by shell Fire Not known Hagernmnn, Eugene (T. . Pvt. 1 June IG, ’1N Killed by shell hre Not. known Holland, Willimn H. . . . Pvt. I Oct. 28, ’18 Killed by shell [ire Hudson, N. II. Hosmer, Ralph ..... Cpl. K July 20, IIS Killed by M.G. bullet Not known Hudson, Albert . . . Pvt. K Oct. 21,’1S Killed by shell tire Montevallo, Ala. Hill, Hurry ...... Cpl. L July 25, '18 Died from wounds Not known Hidrey, Frederiek J. . . . Pvt-. G .Iuly 18, ’18 Killed by M.(}. bullet. Keene, N. II. Ilartford, Edgar ..... Pvt. Hdqs. Out. 28, ’18 Killed by shell tire Not known Ingorson, Dewey W. . . . Cpl. D i May I0, ’1S Diccl from gas Not known Johnson, Cyrus . . . . Pvt. G July 23, ’lS Killed by shell tire Montpelier, Vt. Jaequin, Charles ..,. Pvt. M July 20, ’1S Killed by M.G. bullet Not. known Jenkins, Ivyl E. ..... Pvt. H Se it. 12, ’1S Killed by shell Ere Not known Jessemon, Arthur F. . . . Pvt. E July IS, ’1S Killed by rifle Fire \Varren, N. H. Johnson, Robert J. .... Pvt. F Sept. 12, ’1S Killed by I\I.G. bullet Dubuque, Iowa Justrnn, William II .... lst Lieut. A Sept. 27, ’18 Died from wounds I\*’Ianeheste1·, N. ll. Johnson, Vliilliam H. . . . Pvt. A Unknown Died from wounds Not known Jackson, Harold ..... Cpl. D May 10, IIS Died from tzzw Milton Plt., Me. Kluwikunski, Frank . . . Pvt. I Nov. 10, 'IS Killed by M.(l. bullet Not known Kearns, Fred ...... Cpl. I June IG, ’18 Killed by shell tire Not known Knowlton, Forest G. . . . Pvt. I June IG, ’I8 Killed by shell tire Brntlley, Mc. Kaslenski, Frank . . . Pvt. L Nov. 3, 'IS Killed by shell {irc Not. known Kain, Joseph . ,.... Pvt. L Unknown Died from wounds re- eeived Oct. 20, ’1S Jolmsvillo, Me. Kenison ........ Cpl. B July 20, ’1S Killed by M.G. bullet Sebago Luke, Me. Kaley, Martin J .... . Pvt. MG. Sept. 20, ’1S Killed by shell fire Girard, Ohio Lessard, Harold P. . . . Pvt. H Leighton, George II. . . . P.1·`.C. H July 19, ’I8 Killed by shell fire Fairfield, Me. Lively, Jesse J ...... Sgt. I Oct. 29, ’l8 Died from wounds Stonington, III.
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